I'll be teaching an afternoon workshop before the evening's concert 4:00-6:00.
Price $50. Contact me (mfibish@gmail) for reservations and info.
In the workshop, we'll explore...
The mysteries of playing Irish music on the mandolin...
We'll talk about picking and fingering hand techniques, pulse, rhythm, tone production, and getting
sustain in your playing. We'll use exercises to develop the picking hand rhythm engine, paying
special attention to jigs. We'll highlight the unique things that the mandolin brings to the music.
Phrasing, ornamentation and variation...
and how they are used in the tradition. We'll focus on musicality, how to give life and lift to the tunes
you learn, how to take them from a series of notes into what feels like Irish music. Bring a tune you
know or are working on to the workshop and we'll explore it together.